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The greatest and most beautiful gift is that you celebrate this day with us!

If you would still like to give us a gift, we would highly appreciate if you support our various projects and interests of ours!

Shared apartment


It is slowly becoming more concrete and hopefully it will happen in the near future.
We finally want to have our own home together in Switzerland.
This requires a lot of planning in our everyday volleyball routine
 and as soon as the apartment is there, of course a lot of new things have to be purchased. So that we can make ourselves comfortable in our home. 



We can't wait to spend our honeymoon together and as a newly wed couple in a paradise of local indulgence, wine, relaxation and discovery. From culinary adventures that tantalize our taste buds, to relaxed wine tastings, to lazy days of idleness and exciting sightseeing, we can't wait to create new memories together and celebrate the adventure of life.

Portafilter machine


I think many of you already know our passion for delicious, specialty coffee prepared at home. Maybe you've already enjoyed it ;)
A common wish is now to buy a portafilter machine with a next-level coffee grinder for our shared apartment. 

So that in the future one can spend many Sunday mornings or afternoons enjoying great coffee dates.

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